First Time
So I thought I would give the blog thing a try... so here goes! There have been a lot of excitng events going on since this summer. First, we found out in May that we are expecting our second child in January and could not be happier! I am now almost 6 months along and can't wait to meet our new little addition. JR and I have decided not to find out the sex of the baby so I guess we will know soon enough :) JR keeps telling me how much fun and exciting it is not to know.... but for me it has been a bit hard! It helps so much that Grayon can't wait to be a big brother though but not knowing also has him thinking the baby could be a cactus!
Also, Grayson started First Grade this year and has a great teacher, so we could not be happier. I graduated with my Masters Degree in July and am so glad to have that accomplished before the baby gets here. So that is all of the news for now... more to come! First Day of First Grade

20 Weeks
Yay for your blog!!! They are great!