So as many of you know I have been at Kennestone Hospital since Thursday morning... This all started Wednesday evening when I woke up with horrible pain under my ribs around my stomach. My doctor told me to go ahead and come to the hospital for them to check me out. When I got here the baby was great and I was having no contractions. My blood work showed higher than normal pancreas hormones, but the ultrasound of my organs did not show any problems. The doctors really have no idea what is causing this levels to be high. Normally it would be gallbladder problems or alcoholism.... since I have neither they really have no idea what is going on with me. So now it is Saturday and here I still am at the hospital with no clear understanding of why all of this is happening. I have been pretty scared and upset since they can not find the cause and I worry about the baby and my health. Appearantly, high pancreas hormones can lead to death... yeah a doctor informed me of that (how nice).
So anyway, I am still waiting this morning/afternoon to see a single doctor to give me answers... I am beginning to grow impatient as time ticks on by. All is still well with the baby it is just all problems with me.
Best of luck Ashley! I hope you get to go home soon. Our thoughts are with you through this time.