First- Caden Alan Flanagan joined our family January 6th at 3:04 pm. He weighed 6 pounds and 15 oucnes and was 19.5 inches long. I was induced that morning around 9:00 am so he was born very quickly! The labor and delivery went great, the only problem I had was with my epidural. I am enjoying every second I have home with him and am dreading returning back to work March 31st. The only positive is that I only have 6 weeks there until summer.

Second- Grayson turned 7 on February 7th! We had his party at Monster Golf in Kennesaw. He had a great time celebrating with friends and family. It really is hard to believe that he is growing up so fast! I am also loving all the time I have to spend with him. Caden and I try and go to have lunch with him once a week at school. He really enjoys us coming and is such a proud big brother!
So Proud and Happy to be a big brother!!!
Life is great!
Second- Grayson turned 7 on February 7th! We had his party at Monster Golf in Kennesaw. He had a great time celebrating with friends and family. It really is hard to believe that he is growing up so fast! I am also loving all the time I have to spend with him. Caden and I try and go to have lunch with him once a week at school. He really enjoys us coming and is such a proud big brother!
Life is great!
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