Sunday, December 27, 2009
"Modified" Bedrest
So I have been on modified bedrest since Monday now.... and I am OVER IT!!! I love this baby so much but geez! I was put on bedrest because I was making too much progress too fast and too early. I am only on bedrest for a week which will get me to 37 weeks and that is considered full term. Modified bedrest means that I am only allowed to sit or lay down. When I need to go somewhere someone had to push me in a wheelchair :) The only downfall to all of this is that it happened during Christmas. Who can sit and do nothing Christmas day when you have a 6 year old? I have also had contractions 10-20 minutes apart since Thursday which is painful! Anyway, I am excited to go the doctor tomorrow and see what is going on now and be removed from bedrest!!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Baby Shower
It has been a long time since I have posted a blog so I have a lot to add.... so here goes! I have had three baby showers!! My friends and coworkers really blessed JR and I.
The first shower was coed and at my house. My sister and bestfriends (Allison Tate, Molly Saft and Dana West) threw the shower and it was perfect! They did such a great job from the food to decorations to games! The shower was November 15th the day after I was released from the hospital. We receieved so many nice presents and got to spend time with our friends and family. It was a very fun and special time for us!
The second shower I had was thrown by my girls from Sunday School. We all met for dinner at Zucca in Kennesaw. It was a lot of fun to eat and talk to the girls. Our Sunday School class has had 8 pregnancies in the past 3-4 months so there was a lot of advice to go around!
The last shower I had was a surprise shower thrown by my coworkers. Somehow they managed to keep the shower a total surprise! The third grade team did a great job!! It was so much fun!!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Hospital Stay
So as many of you know I have been at Kennestone Hospital since Thursday morning... This all started Wednesday evening when I woke up with horrible pain under my ribs around my stomach. My doctor told me to go ahead and come to the hospital for them to check me out. When I got here the baby was great and I was having no contractions. My blood work showed higher than normal pancreas hormones, but the ultrasound of my organs did not show any problems. The doctors really have no idea what is causing this levels to be high. Normally it would be gallbladder problems or alcoholism.... since I have neither they really have no idea what is going on with me. So now it is Saturday and here I still am at the hospital with no clear understanding of why all of this is happening. I have been pretty scared and upset since they can not find the cause and I worry about the baby and my health. Appearantly, high pancreas hormones can lead to death... yeah a doctor informed me of that (how nice).
So anyway, I am still waiting this morning/afternoon to see a single doctor to give me answers... I am beginning to grow impatient as time ticks on by. All is still well with the baby it is just all problems with me.
So anyway, I am still waiting this morning/afternoon to see a single doctor to give me answers... I am beginning to grow impatient as time ticks on by. All is still well with the baby it is just all problems with me.
Monday, November 9, 2009
30 Weeks
I went to the doctor today and everything is still looking great! The baby is growing at a perfect rate and everything looks good with me! I can't believe that we will have a baby in two months, time has flown. The only complaint I have is heart burn at night. I have been woken up several nights with a burning throat, but I know it will all be worth it soon enough.
Grayson lost his top front tooth this week and his other front tooth is loose. He is so excited to have both missing, and we keep singing all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth :) He looks so cute when he smiles.
Besides that we went to IKEA this past weekend to buy laterns and a lamp for the baby's room. I love everything about the room, it is so peaceful. We also registered for two bedding sets at Pottery Barn Baby. One set is called Brooke if it is a girl and the other is Eli's Elephants if it a boy. We will finish the nursery after the baby has arrived and we know what we are having :) Anyway, we have our coed Baby Shower this weekend and I can't wait!!
Grayson lost his top front tooth this week and his other front tooth is loose. He is so excited to have both missing, and we keep singing all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth :) He looks so cute when he smiles.
Besides that we went to IKEA this past weekend to buy laterns and a lamp for the baby's room. I love everything about the room, it is so peaceful. We also registered for two bedding sets at Pottery Barn Baby. One set is called Brooke if it is a girl and the other is Eli's Elephants if it a boy. We will finish the nursery after the baby has arrived and we know what we are having :) Anyway, we have our coed Baby Shower this weekend and I can't wait!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
7 months and counting :)
I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone! I am down to 2 1/2 months! I can't wait to meet to our new addition and to find out what we are having :) At first I thought that it would be fun to wait and find out the sex but as hormones have began to kick it... it has become harder to wait! JR has been busy working on the baby's room- painting the room two shades of green and hanging molding. We are about ready to start moving furniture into the room and putting it together. I also went to the doctor yesterday for my glucose test and everything looks perfect! So far there have been zero complications just praying that I do not end up with high blood pressure again! Bed rest does not go over well with me! Grayson is also so excited to be a big brother he can hardly wait to meet the baby!
The baby's room (work in progress)
My growing baby bump!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Atlanta 3 Day Breast Cancer Walk
This weekend was AMAZING! I have to say that I have never been so touched by all the men and women that were out supporting Breast Cancer research. My best friend Molly and my sister's best friend Allyson walked in the Atlanta 3 day. They walked to fight for Allison! My sister was diagnosed with breast cancer in July and took all of her family and friends totally off guard! Since then she has had so much support so it did not surprise that our close friends would want to walk in honor! I can't wait to join their team next year and help raise money to fund breat cancer research!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
24 1/2 Weeks
Today I had my 24 week check up and everything looks great. I am measuring right on and the baby's heart beat was strong! I can't believe that I am almost in my third trimester! Time really does fly! I now have to go to the doctor every three weeks and I have my glucose test at the next visit... yuck! I am feeling great just tired at times... I guess that is very normal.
Everything else is going great! JR started his new job few weeks ago and is doing great! He is a Mortage Advisor now helping people refinance. Grayson is enjoying First grade for the most part, he told me today that the work is a lot harder than last year. He liked being able to play more but now there is a lot less of that. He loves participating in Awanas at church and wants to join Cub Scouts. So it looks like we will stay busy!
Everything else is going great! JR started his new job few weeks ago and is doing great! He is a Mortage Advisor now helping people refinance. Grayson is enjoying First grade for the most part, he told me today that the work is a lot harder than last year. He liked being able to play more but now there is a lot less of that. He loves participating in Awanas at church and wants to join Cub Scouts. So it looks like we will stay busy!
Friday, September 25, 2009
First Time
So I thought I would give the blog thing a try... so here goes! There have been a lot of excitng events going on since this summer. First, we found out in May that we are expecting our second child in January and could not be happier! I am now almost 6 months along and can't wait to meet our new little addition. JR and I have decided not to find out the sex of the baby so I guess we will know soon enough :) JR keeps telling me how much fun and exciting it is not to know.... but for me it has been a bit hard! It helps so much that Grayon can't wait to be a big brother though but not knowing also has him thinking the baby could be a cactus!
Also, Grayson started First Grade this year and has a great teacher, so we could not be happier. I graduated with my Masters Degree in July and am so glad to have that accomplished before the baby gets here. So that is all of the news for now... more to come!
Also, Grayson started First Grade this year and has a great teacher, so we could not be happier. I graduated with my Masters Degree in July and am so glad to have that accomplished before the baby gets here. So that is all of the news for now... more to come!
First Day of First Grade
20 Weeks
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